Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use a calculator?
  • What is the format of your program?
  • Can I save my work if I don’t complete my worksheet?
  • We will be on vacation for a few days. Will I miss any assignments?
  • Can I work on assignments offline?
  • Can I register after the program started?
  • What's the difficulty level of LeapAhead! problems compared to assignments from school?
  • Do you acknowledge the completion of the program at the end?
  • What's the difference between LeapAhead, LeapAhead Gifted and Challenge Math Online?

    Q: Can I use a calculator?

    A: I discourage calculator use in the program.  Paper and pencil should be used instead.

    Q: What is the format of your program?

    A: Some of our worksheets follow the standard test format which is multiple choice .  However, there are limitation with multiple choice questions, so many of our worksheets are free response questions.

    For free response questions, please only enter numbers as your answer. Our system can only recognize numbers. Please don’t enter any character other than digit, comma and decimal point.  Here are some examples with acceptable and non-acceptable answer format.

  • 23,333 -- acceptable answer format
  • 456 -- acceptable answer format
  • $6 -- non-acceptable answer format (the worksheet should already give you a $ sign). Acceptable format is 6.
  • 24 books -- non-acceptable answer format. Acceptable is 24.
  • 6.23 - acceptable answer format. (decimal numbers are acceptable)
  • 4/5 - non-acceptable answer format (fraction numbers are not acceptable).

    Q: Can I save my work if I only complete part of my worksheet?

    A: No. The system doesn't save your work. Only results of your work (i.e. scores) are saved. If you would like to save your work, print out your worksheet.

    Q: We will be on vacation for 3 days. Will I miss any assignments?

    A: No, you will not.  We make all past worksheets available online. For any reason that you miss your assignment, you may always make it up  at a  later date.

    Q: Can I work on assignments offline?

    A: Some students prefer to work on computers  while others prefer to solve math problems on paper.  Either way is fine. For those of you who prefer to solve problems on paper,  you may print the assignment, work out the problems on paper, then submit your answer online. You can print any assignment by using your web browsers print functionality. Should you experience problems printing with the browser you are using, the following suggestions may help.

    Internet Explorer
    Select File > Print Preview. Ensure the second drop down menu is set to 'Only the selected frame'. Then print.

    Google Chrome
    Press Ctrl + A, followed by Ctrl + P, then print.

    Select File > Print. Then in the print frames section make sure 'The selected frame' option is selected. Then click OK.

    Q: Can I register after the program started?

    A: You can register LeapAhead! anytime during the summer. You may access and make up all past assignments.

    Q: What's the difficulty level of LeapAhead! problems compared to assignments from school?

    A: The math problems in LeapAhead! are slightly more challenging than normal school assignments and tests. So, don’t be discouraged that your child doesn’t score high in the program. We don’t give A/B/C/D/F grade to each assignment.  Instead, we award them ‘stars’ to acknowledge their achievements.

    Here is our grading system: 60% - passing; 70% - one star; 80% - two stars; 90% - three stars; 100% - four stars

    Scoring and rating students  are not the purpose of LeapAhead!.  Helping students to learn and master essential math skills is our goal. We encourage students find out why they've made the mistakes and learn from them. Students who gain the most from the program are those who make mistakes first and follow up to figure out why.  Thus, we  give  students opportunity to re-do the worksheets .

    Q:  Do you acknowledge students' achievements?

    A: Students who complete all assignments with passing grades will receive a printable certificate at the end of the program. Parents may choose to give additional rewards to acknowledge students hard work and their achievement.

    Q:  What's the difference between LeapAhead, LeapAhead Gifted and Challenge Math Online?

    A: LeapAhead! follows the Common Core Standards. It was developed to strengthen and master the math concepts and skills they learned during the school year. The gifted levels in LeapAhead! are for students who excel in math and reading and who wish to have more challenges in their assignments. Challenge Math Online focuses primarily on problem-solving skills. The program is great for inspiring students who are interested in taking advanced math courses and who will pursue a STEM-related career.

    Questions? Comments? Feedbacks?  Feel free to email us at any time.

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