Noetic Learning Math Contest Fall 2021

Public Private Afterschool Institution Homeschool Association Individual

Grade 8 National Honorable Mention
Go To States: [AA] [AE] [AP] [AL] [AK] [AS] [AZ] [AR] [CA] [CO] [CT] [DE] [DC] [FM] [FL] [GA] [GU] [HI] [ID] [IL] [IN] [IA] [INTL] [KS] [KY] [LA] [ME] [MD] [MH] [MA] [MI] [MN] [MS] [MO] [MT] [NE] [NV] [NH] [NJ] [NM] [NY] [NC] [ND] [MP] [OH] [OK] [OR] [PW] [PA] [PR] [RI] [SC] [SD] [TN] [TX] [UT] [VT] [VI] [VA] [WA] [WV] [WI] [WY] []
National Honorable Mention: AL  
State School Student Name Team Leader
AL Discovery Middle School Student21625 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21569 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21564 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21565 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21583 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21572 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21632 Goldston
AL Discovery Middle School Student21635 Goldston
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National Honorable Mention: AZ  
State School Student Name Team Leader
AZ San Tan Charter School San Tan 0 Tischer
AZ San Tan Charter School San Tan 0 Tischer
AZ San Tan Charter School San Tan 0 Tischer
AZ San Tan Charter School San Tan 0 Tischer
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National Honorable Mention: AR  
State School Student Name Team Leader
AR Lisa Academy West Middle Jonathan A Dundar
AR Lisa Academy West Middle Balasankar S Dundar
AR Lisa Academy West Middle Siddharth S Dundar
AR Lisa Academy West Middle Sherry L Dundar
AR Lisa Academy West Middle Amrita C Dundar
AR Lisa Academy West Middle Sreedev R Dundar
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National Honorable Mention: CA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
CA Choi?s Math Tutoring Christina P Choi
CA Choi?s Math Tutoring Olivia H Choi
CA Choi?s Math Tutoring Jayden L Choi
CA Choi?s Math Tutoring Jimin H Choi
CA Mirman School Darren Y Luna
CA Mirman School Kyan K Luna
CA Mirman School Colin H Luna
CA Mirman School Yuma S Luna
CA Mirman School Remy E Luna
CA Mirman School Austin W Luna
CA Mirman School Wyatt F Luna
CA Mirman School Lucas K Luna
CA Sierra Canyon School Zachary L Keller
CA Sierra Canyon School Finn R Keller
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Caden C Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Varun D Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Audrey H Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Pranav K Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Akash S Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Max Y Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Andrew Z Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Abhinav G Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Roshan H Xue
CA Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto Emily X Xue
CA Stratford Middle School San Jose Spencer C Chung
CA Stratford Middle School San Jose Steven L Chung
CA Stratford Middle School San Jose Daniel X Chung
CA Stratford Middle School San Jose Jerry X Chung
CA Stratford Middle School San Jose Ananya K Chung
CA The Quarry Lane School Aayush G Irias
CA The Quarry Lane School Veerrohit V Irias
CA The Quarry Lane School Andrew T Irias
CA The Quarry Lane School Matthew C Irias
CA The Quarry Lane School Ivana K Irias
CA The Quarry Lane School Patrick Z Irias
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National Honorable Mention: CO  
State School Student Name Team Leader
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 7 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Student8249 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 3 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 9 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 1 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Student8250 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 2 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 4 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 5 Christiansen
CO Canon City Schools Harrison 6 Christiansen
CO Cherry Creek Academy Charan N Nair
CO Cherry Creek Academy Kartikey M Nair
CO Cherry Creek Academy Ritvik K Nair
CO Cherry Creek Academy Kushagra S Nair
CO Colorado Early Colleges FC Middle School Anneke A Karppinen
CO Colorado Early Colleges FC Middle School Sam M Karppinen
CO Colorado Early Colleges FC Middle School Josiah R Karppinen
CO Colorado Early Colleges FC Middle School Tripton H Karppinen
CO Colorado Preparatory Academy Student18020 Bishop
CO Ridgeview Classical Schools Peter W Binder
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National Honorable Mention: DE  
State School Student Name Team Leader
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National Honorable Mention: FL  
State School Student Name Team Leader
FL Community School of Naples Suran R Colby
FL Community School of Naples Jaron W Colby
FL Community School of Naples Mimi G Colby
FL Community School of Naples Jonathan B Colby
FL Community School of Naples Noah M Colby
FL Community School of Naples Sachin N Colby
FL Discovery Academy of Science R-Jay C Zehnder
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Shailey K Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Aum G Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Owais K Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Shrey T Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Snigdha B Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Nathan G Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Pratham M Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Mehak S Lugo
FL Orlando Science Middle/High School Shrika V Lugo
FL Seminole Science Charter Maxim M Lown
FL Seminole Science Charter William H Lown
FL Seminole Science Charter Anavi M Lown
FL Seminole Science Charter Qamari S Lown
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National Honorable Mention: GA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
GA Bleckley County Middle School Zach G Kitchens
GA Bleckley County Middle School Cadyn W Kitchens
GA Fulton Science Academy Private School Alex F Duzyol
GA Fulton Science Academy Private School Alex L Duzyol
GA Fulton Science Academy Private School Pranav S Duzyol
GA Fulton Science Academy Private School Arjun D Duzyol
GA Fulton Science Academy Private School Atharv M Duzyol
GA Fulton Science Academy Private School Brycen N Duzyol
GA South Forsyth Middle School Mateo C Graiser
GA South Forsyth Middle School Dhanveen K Graiser
GA South Forsyth Middle School Kailyn C Graiser
GA South Forsyth Middle School Aarshia D Graiser
GA South Forsyth Middle School Jayalasya N Graiser
GA The Davis Academy Student7189 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7199 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7186 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7198 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7181 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7193 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7194 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7183 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7184 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7196 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7187 Frank
GA The Davis Academy Student7182 Frank
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National Honorable Mention: IL  
State School Student Name Team Leader
IL Fairview South Elementary Joaquin L Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Mia P Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Nicholas D Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Shaylen P Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Nathan L Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Stefan K Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Zoe P Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Miguel R Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Vedansh W Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Anthony B Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Elijah B Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Luka G Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Anita J Curry
IL Fairview South Elementary Lucas T Curry
IL Hawthorn Middle North Aadit N Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Athrv R Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Adin M Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Stephen C Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Emma J Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Gamin K Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Lucas J Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Pratham B Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle North Meera D Narayanan
IL Hawthorn Middle School South Shreyan S Wilgus
IL Hawthorn Middle School South Eva Z Wilgus
IL Hawthorn Middle School South Vidyut S Wilgus
IL Hawthorn Middle School South Rohan G Wilgus
IL Hawthorn Middle School South Kaveh P Wilgus
IL Hawthorn Middle School South Jadelyn W Wilgus
IL Horizon Science Academy Belmont Oswin L Durst
IL Horizon Science Academy Belmont Luis F Durst
IL Horizon Science Academy Belmont Camille O Durst
IL Jeffrey C. Still Middle School Student28402 Gassen
IL Jeffrey C. Still Middle School Student28397 Gassen
IL Jeffrey C. Still Middle School Student28395 Gassen
IL Jeffrey C. Still Middle School Student28287 Gassen
IL Jeffrey C. Still Middle School Student28289 Gassen
IL Science &Arts Academy Roshan D Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Megan T Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Elsa T Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Max W Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Maia D Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Richie D Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Donald P Katauskas
IL Science &Arts Academy Katelyn T Katauskas
IL Science Academy of Chicago Kenan S aycicek
IL Wredling Middle School Student21641 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21640 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21639 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21642 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21644 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21643 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21645 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21646 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21648 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21647 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student21649 Wollak
IL Wredling Middle School Student25673 Wollak
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National Honorable Mention: IN  
State School Student Name Team Leader
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33011 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33019 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33030 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33014 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33031 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33026 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33016 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33022 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33015 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33027 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33012 Fischer
IN Honey Creek Middle School Student33018 Fischer
IN Northridge Middle School Lincoln C Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Phoenix K Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Josiah S Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Connor D Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Caden R Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Brady S Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Tucker B Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Owen K Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Gloria C Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Peyton G Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Seth M Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Ainsley R Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Ethan K Nisen
IN Northridge Middle School Mikey V Nisen
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Juliet P Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Owen W Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Robyn P Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Coby C Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Mathias D Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Drew M Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Finn S Kerr
IN St. Richards Episcopal School Ella W Kerr
IN Sycamore School Jennifer H Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Lillian M Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Owen Z Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Evelyn C Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Arnay G Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Connor K Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Leo S Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Shivani D Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Vidhatri I Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Garrett H Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Ford L Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Kaia S Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Annamaria E Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Evelyn M Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Wesley W Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Julius P Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Daniel S Tormoehlen
IN Sycamore School Sarah H Tormoehlen
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National Honorable Mention: IA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
IA Williamsburg Junior High Chase F Klein
IA Williamsburg Junior High Nile B Klein
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National Honorable Mention: INTL  
State School Student Name Team Leader
INTL Ajyal International School Khaled Abdulla A Cranko
INTL Raha International School Kalin B Fadhillah
INTL Raha International School Rishit R Fadhillah
INTL Raha International School Marc T Fadhillah
INTL Raha International School Daniel B Fadhillah
INTL Raha International School Thaphoom J Fadhillah
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National Honorable Mention: KY  
State School Student Name Team Leader
KY Beechwood Elementary School Jack I Neace
KY Beechwood Elementary School Neel R Neace
KY Beechwood Elementary School Ruby F Neace
KY Beechwood Elementary School Benjamin G Neace
KY Beechwood Elementary School Warner P Neace
KY Notre Dame Academy Andrew A Kay
KY Notre Dame Academy Will Y Kay
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National Honorable Mention: LA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
LA Glasgow Middle School Rijuta S Morthland
LA Glasgow Middle School Timothy N Morthland
LA Glasgow Middle School Anna W Morthland
LA Glasgow Middle School Emma W Morthland
LA Glasgow Middle School Alex Y Morthland
LA Glasgow Middle School Grace D Morthland
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National Honorable Mention: ME  
State School Student Name Team Leader
ME Auburn Middle School Calvin V Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Katie M Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Clara W Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Breccan A Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Lola C Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Caden W Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Sydney A Ackley
ME Auburn Middle School Max K Ackley
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National Honorable Mention: MD  
State School Student Name Team Leader
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National Honorable Mention: MA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
MA Acera School Octagon 2 Seidell
MA The Sage School Tommy G Tolisano
MA The Sage School Aryaa M Tolisano
MA The Sage School Rhys A Tolisano
MA The Sage School Teja H Tolisano
MA The Sage School Jack L Tolisano
MA The Sage School Sara S Tolisano
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National Honorable Mention: MO  
State School Student Name Team Leader
MO Marshfield R-1 Lexie E Herring
MO Marshfield R-1 Emery M Herring
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National Honorable Mention: NV  
State School Student Name Team Leader
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Stepan G Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Daniel O Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Student32213 Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Student27235 Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Alexis L Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Sydney V Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Student27328 Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Student32043 Marul
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Centennial Brandon L Santo Pietro
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Centennial Blake A Santo Pietro
NV Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas Centennial Kempton M Santo Pietro
NV Nasri Academy Hiro B Balaban
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National Honorable Mention: NJ  
State School Student Name Team Leader
NJ Demarest Middle School Caleb P Lew
NJ Demarest Middle School Dalia S Lew
NJ Demarest Middle School Kamin H Lew
NJ Demarest Middle School Kailyn Y Lew
NJ Saddle River Day School Student9246 Angrick
NJ Stone Bridge Middle School SBMS6 8 Manigrasso
NJ Stone Bridge Middle School SBMS4 8 Manigrasso
NJ Stone Bridge Middle School SBMS5 8 Manigrasso
NJ Thomas Jefferson Middle School Brian L Villano
NJ Thomas Jefferson Middle School Andrew A Villano
NJ Thomas Jefferson Middle School Samantha I Villano
NJ Thomas Jefferson Middle School Victoria K Villano
NJ Thomas Jefferson Middle School Katerina S Villano
NJ Thomas Jefferson Middle School Andreas B Villano
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National Honorable Mention: NY  
State School Student Name Team Leader
NY Herricks Middle School Adithya P Bruno
NY Herricks Middle School Christopher C Bruno
NY Herricks Middle School Nikita K Bruno
NY Herricks Middle School Hana C Bruno
NY Herricks Middle School Abigail T Bruno
NY Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School Zhuokun (Kevin) L Ferrara
NY Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School Nanda G Ferrara
NY Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School Seok Hoon L Ferrara
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National Honorable Mention: OH  
State School Student Name Team Leader
OH Beachwood Board of Education Dotan D LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Eric P LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Student17120 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Student22899 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Student22890 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Srishti I LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Shamith M LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Board of Education Oleksandr R LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Student16500 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Karina K LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Leo W LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Student16585 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Junbo W LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Student16569 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Student16503 LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Colin E LoGalbo
OH Beachwood Middle School Student17076 LoGalbo
OH Bethel-Tate Middle School Landen M Wagner
OH Bethel-Tate Middle School Clara R Wagner
OH Bethel-Tate Middle School Carter M Wagner
OH Bethel-Tate Middle School Peyton T Wagner
OH Bethel-Tate Middle School Ethan W Wagner
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National Honorable Mention: OK  
State School Student Name Team Leader
OK Heritage Hall School Catcher G Nykol
OK Heritage Hall School Finn M Nykol
OK Heritage Hall School Stavros C Nykol
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National Honorable Mention: OR  
State School Student Name Team Leader
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National Honorable Mention: PA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
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National Honorable Mention: TX  
State School Student Name Team Leader
TX Doerre Intermediate School Connor D Collins
TX Doerre Intermediate School Sarvajit J Collins
TX Doerre Intermediate School Eric M Collins
TX Doerre Intermediate School Luke H Collins
TX Doerre Intermediate School Evan N Collins
TX Doerre Intermediate School Misha T Collins
TX Forestwood Middle School Sid M Roberts
TX Forestwood Middle School Ryan H Roberts
TX Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy ( North Dal Seth R Mathew
TX The Honor Roll School Lakshanya S Quintero
TX The Honor Roll School Zhehao W Quintero
TX The Honor Roll School Arisha M Quintero
TX Western Academy Tully F Murphy
TX Western Academy Benedict S Murphy
TX Western Academy Vincent W Murphy
TX Western Academy Stefano M Murphy
TX Western Academy Peter M Murphy
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National Honorable Mention: VA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
VA River Bend Middle School David C Chung
VA River Bend Middle School Prajeet C Chung
VA River Bend Middle School Ryan G Chung
VA River Bend Middle School Sofia L Chung
VA Stone Hill Middle School Srihaas A Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Anika D Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Aniketh G Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Ajay N Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Sumedh P Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Aarav S Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Saanvi D Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Sruthi V Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Siddharth N Pochiraju
VA Stone Hill Middle School Aashika P Pochiraju
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National Honorable Mention: WA  
State School Student Name Team Leader
WA Lincoln Middle School Abby W Munson
WA Lincoln Middle School Nathan Y Munson
WA Lincoln Middle School Vivien L Munson
WA Lincoln Middle School Jasper P Munson
WA Sacajawea Middle School Aiden N Lu
WA Sacajawea Middle School Natalie L Lu
WA Sacajawea Middle School Nathan N Lu
WA Sacajawea Middle School Yarely C Lu
WA Sacajawea Middle School Ruth M Lu
WA Sacajawea Middle School Max K Lu
WA Sacajawea Middle School Lucy L Lu
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National Honorable Mention: WI  
State School Student Name Team Leader
WI Adams-Friendship Elementary Lydia S Miner
WI Adams-Friendship Elementary Ella H Miner
WI Adams-Friendship Elementary Kayleb A Miner
WI De Pere Middle School Ansh P Rohde
WI De Pere Middle School Owen N Rohde
WI Holmen Middle School Student30244 Stein
WI Holmen Middle School Student30243 Stein
WI Holmen Middle School Student30241 Stein
WI Holmen Middle School Student30238 Stein
WI Holmen Middle School Student30233 Stein
WI Marshall Middle School Andrew F Ranum
WI Marshall Middle School Noah N Ranum
WI Marshall Middle School Kayden M Ranum
WI Marshall Middle School Zachary B Ranum
WI Marshall Middle School Gavin K Ranum
WI Marshall Middle School Lily T Ranum
WI Marshall Middle School Jack V Ranum
WI Melrose-Mindoro Junior High Maria G Radaj
WI Oregon School Keanna D Miller
WI Oregon School Noah M Miller
WI Oregon School Toby P Miller
WI Oregon School Molly H Miller
WI Oregon School Andrew L Miller
WI Oregon School Brock R Miller
WI Oregon School Livey V Miller
WI Oregon School Olivia H Miller
WI Richmond Niko F Kittson
WI Richmond Logan S Kittson
WI Richmond Adia F Kittson
WI Richmond Colin R Kittson
WI Rural Virtual Academy Jed H Vazquez
WI Rural Virtual Academy Micah H Vazquez
WI Rural Virtual Academy Miley C Vazquez
WI Rural Virtual Academy Saffron G Vazquez
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