NLMC Dates and Procedures

~ traditional paper-pencil format ~ | ~ online format ~

 Alert! To support various learning modes, the contest will be available in both paper-pencil format and online format for the current school year. Use this document if your team is going to take the contest in the traditional paper-pencil format. If your team is going to take the contest online, click here.

Important Dates

· Mar 29, 2024: Roster deadline.
· Apr 1, 2024: Tests in paper format are available to download.
· Apr 4, 2024: First day of the testing window.
· Apr 18, 2024: Score entry deadline and the last day of the testing window.
· Apr 29, 2024: Results are published on the team leader portal.
· May 10, 2024: U.S. team leaders should be receiving awards in the mail.

Prior to the contest

Create Your Team Roster: Add your student names to your team prior to the contest. All participant names have to be submitted before the Roster Deadline. To add student names to your team: log on to your account and then add your student names in 'Enter Student Names Here:' section.

Send Parent Letter Home: It is important to have parents' support for the contest. Their encouragement and recognition will help students enjoy the contest and help us to convey the message 'It is COOL to be good at math!' to students.

Collect Parent Permission Slip: We will need a parent permission slip to publish student names and scores on our website. We don't need you to return the permission slip, but please collect them and keep them on file.

Sample Parent Letter and Name Release Permission Form

Prepare for the Contest: Contest problems are somewhat different than word problems students usually see. To help your students become familiar with the contest format and problems, please host a practice session prior to the contest and let your students work out past contest problems.   If you don't have time for a practice session, at least make copies for students to study and practice at home.

Challenge Math Online
A Weekly Problem-solving Program for the Gifted
  • Build your students' problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Provide a great activity for math club students
  • Keep gifted students challenged and stimulated
  • Click Here to Enroll Your Students Today!


    Download the contest paper and make copies:  The contest (problems and keys) will be posted in the password-protected section of our site 3 days prior to the contest date. Simply log on to using your email and password. If there is any problem downloading the contest, please contact us as soon as possible. 

    The test is NOT an online test. It is in paper-and-pencil format. Therefore, you need to download the contest paper and make copies for your students prior to the contest date.

    During the contest

    All participating students in your team must take the contest at the same time. You may administer the contest anytime you choose during the contest date.  Students will be given the printed-out tests, scratch paper and pencils. Students shall work individually on the tests, and no calculators are allowed. 

    Students will be given 45 minutes to work on the problems. Please announce the total time allowed prior to the start of the contest.  You should also announce when there is 10 minutes remaining and 5 minute remaining. 

    After the contest

    Collect and keep all contest papers. 

    Grade the contest papers using the answer keys given. Student answers must match our answer keys perfectly. Each correct answer will be given 5 points. No partial points should be given for any questions.

    You may discuss the problems and solutions with your students after the contest is administered. However, do NOT distribute the contest problems/answers to students until after the score submission deadline.

    Enter and double check student names and scores before the score submission deadline. 

    Double check your entries.  Due to limited available resources, we may not be able to correct your mistake in a timely matter once the results are published online!

    Contest results will be released to team leaders on the date mentioned above. Contest results and statistics will be released on the website to the public approximately a week later. Medals will be mailed to schools 2-3 weeks after the results are available.

    Review Contest Problems

    You are encouraged to review and work out the problems with students after the contest. However, keep each student's original contest paper on file for at least a year. Do not allow students to take their contest paper home.

    Announce Results to Students: On May 2, you will find results on your team leader portal. You are welcome to share students scores and results with your students and parents. 

    Distribute Medals

    Medals will be mailed to schools 2-3 weeks after the results are available. To ensure you receive your medals, double check your address in 'Your Account' information page. If you paid by Purchase Order, make sure your school sends the payment check as soon as possible. We will not send the medals until the actual payment is received.

    Other than medals, we also have a digital 'Participation Certificate', 'Team Winner Certificate' and 'National Honor Roll Certificate' available for you to download and distribute.

    Schedule a time for the reward ceremony. It is time to celebrate! 

    Questions? Feel free to email at any time!