Challenge Math: Problem Solving for the Gifted (Level VI)

Sample Assignment

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1) If p Δ q means p + 2q,  what is the value of 43 Δ 10?      


2) Find the sum of all prime numbers that are less than 100 and contain a digit of 5.


3) Rick cut an 8 in x 8 in square out of a 10 in x 20 in rectangular-shaped card board. What is the perimeter of the remaining part (the shaded part)?

Answer: inch          

4) Rachael, Elaine and Connie have a total of 58 beads. Rachael and Elaine have a total of 34 beads.  Elaine and Connie have a total of 42 beads. How many beads does Elaine have? 

Answer:  beads 

5)Two thirds of the students in Parkview Elementary wear something red during the last School Sprit Day. Of the students wearing something red, half of them were wearing red hats. Of the students wearing red hats, two thirds of them are boys. If 53 girls were wearing red hats, how many students are in Parkview Elementary? 

Answer: students

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