Challenge Math: Problem Solving for the Gifted (Level IV)

Sample Assignment

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1) Wendy was 7 years old when Tim turned 2. Tim turned 10 years old today. How old is Wendy?   

Answer: years old  

2)  Solve the number riddle: If you multiply the largest 1-digit number and me, you will get the largest 2-digit number. What number am I?


3) A rectangle is formed by placing two identical squares side by side. The perimeter of the rectangle is 30 inches. What is the area of the rectangle?

Answer: inch2          

4) Danna wants to make an egg salad. She found a recipe that calls for 4 eggs and it serves 6 people. If she wants to make the egg salad for 15 people, how many eggs does she need? 

Answer:  eggs 

5) What is the ones digit of  39 x 39 x 39 x 39 x 39?


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