Challenge Math: Problem Solving for the Gifted (Level III)

Sample Assignment

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1) Solve the number riddle: if you triple me, you will get 18. What number am I?   


2)  Following the arrows, how many different routes are there from point A to point D?

Answer: routes   

3) On a baking tray, there are 6 rows of cookies with 6 cookies in each row. One third of the cookies are sugar cookies. How many cookies on the tray are sugar cookies?

Answer: sugar cookies          

4) Stock A is $2.00 a share. Stock B is $15.00 a share. How many shares of stock A are needed to trade 2 shares of stock B?

Answer:  shares 

5) Solve the number riddle: I am a 2-digit number. The sum of my digits is 9. The ones digit is twice as much as the tens digit. What number am I?


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